Covenant World Relief & Development

Thornapple has been a long-time supporter of Covenant World Relief & Development (CWRD), the humanitarian arm of the Evangelical Covenant Church. Each fall we designate time to raise funds to support CWRD using their "Can for Change"  to collect donations at home. Traditionally, donation cans are brought to church during our annual Thanksgiving Service.
Families can use the Gratitude & Giving Calendar to guide them through activities for collecting money.
Note: Donations made via check/online will be recorded in individual giving statements; cash and coins will be treated as anonymous gifts. 

Covenant World Relief & Development  is an effective and efficient humanitarian aid ministry with a sixty-year history. CWRD collaborates with partners around the world to provide relief, rehabilitation and transformational development. These partnerships empower local ministries, increase local involvement, reduce overhead and facilitate immediate response to disaster and human suffering. Our charge is to love, serve and work together with the poor, the powerless, and the marginalized.