Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
and one who waters will himself be watered. 

- Proverbs 11:25

Financial update

In the first month of 2025, God has blessed the ministries of Thornapple through your generosity! Our budget is based on adding 2.9% to last year’s giving for each month, and your giving in January far exceeded that! Thank you for a great start to the new year and your continued giving to the work of Thornapple!

Your financial gifts can be:
  1. Made online through our online giving platform (above)
  2. Mailed to the church office (6595 Cascade Rd. SE; Grand Rapids, MI 49546)
  3. Placed in the offering boxes at the back of the Sanctuary 

Thank you for your faithful support of the ministry of Thornapple Covenant Church.

If you have questions, contact Kimberly Korpak.
Please remember that all donations to Thornapple are kept confidential.