Join Us Sunday Mornings | Online and/or In Person at 10AM

current Sermon series
through Easter
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Each week we preach Bible-based sermons, sharing God's truths with the focus on helping people find and follow Jesus Christ. We also share video updates from our church staff and leadership - the latest video can be found here or click the link below to browse all our sermons.
Plan a visit
Curious what a Sunday morning looks like at Thornapple? Want to know more about who we are and what we do? Let us answer your questions before you even ask them.
What's your next step?
Are you wondering about the next step in your spiritual journey? We all have a next step to take… whether it’s joining a small group, making a public profession of faith or serving in some way.
Get Connected
At Thornapple we believe in doing life together. It is our mission to help people find and follow Jesus at whatever stage they are in – as individuals, parents, students, new believers, volunteers, etc – we have a place for you.
Sunday Mornings
Online at any time and in-person worship at 10am
Online at any time and in-person worship at 10am